Banner Post 109 Benson, North Carolina
American Legion Auxiliary
Founded in 1919, The American Legion Auxiliary has nearly 1 million members from all walks of life. The Auxiliary administers hundreds of volunteer programs, including Girls State, gives tens of thousands of hours to its communities and to veterans, and raises millions of dollars to support its own programs, as well as other worthwhile charities familiar to Americans. It is all accomplished with volunteers.
Banner Unit 109 was organized in 1949, with the following officers: President - Mrs. Rom Morgan, Vice-president- Mrs. K. V. Stephenson, secretary - Mrs. Lawrence Massengill, Sergeant-at-Arms - Mrs. Roy Jones, Chaplain - Mrs. D. D. Robinson, Historian -Mrs. Charles Denning and Treasurer - Mrs. Coleman Dunn.
It was known in the earlier days that the 'original 5' included Mrs. Myrtle Stephenson, Mrs. Bertha Strickland, Mrs. Annie Lee, Mrs. Pearl Morgan and Mrs. Gladys Adams.
The local unit celebrated it's 75th anniversary on April 7, 1995, using its national theme of 'Service, Not Self’.
The unit's charter shows the following charter members - Pearl B. Morgan, Myrtle Stephenson, Pennie Massengill, Leta Dunn, Sonja Bailey, Nell Robinson, Sarah Lee McLamb, Bell M. Bailey, Margaret M. Lee, Dorothy Denning, Gladys Adams, Lorraine J. McLamb, Ruby Barefoot and Peggy Gilbert..
Over the years, members have served at local and State levels in various positions . Past unit president Ann Moore served as Department President for the year 2005-2006. For the year 2010-2011 past unit president Wanda Moore served as the President of Department of North Carolina American Legion Auxiliary.
While originally organized to assist The American Legion, the Auxiliary has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to The American Legion. Like the Legion, the Auxiliarys interests have broadened to encompass the entire community. You may have seen us passing out our trademark little red crepe paper poppies, which are handmade by disabled veterans.
The American Legion Auxiliary is the worlds largest womens patriotic service organization. Through its nearly 10,500 units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and her ideals
Local Unit 109 membership eligibility requires one to be the mother, wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter, or a great-granddaughter of a Veteran of World War I or II, Korean War, Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom. Eligibility also applies to step and adopted relatives. Females who served in these war and/or conflicts may join in their own right.
Annual dues are $25 for senior members and $8 for junior members (under 18 years of age).
Our monthly meetings are held on the second Monday night of the month at the post home at 605 N. Wall Street, Benson, NC.
Facebook: American Legion Auxiliary Benson
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